Brandon Taselian – Biggest  Flickr Licker Eva!

Someone just whispered to the Whisperer and the spotlight is on Brandon Taselian 🙈😜.

Brandon Taselian is the biggest Flickr lickr eva. He will only follow people who give him comments and lick his ass, look at who he’s following and the largest majority are women who each day he’ll leave hearts and one word comments for thus making them all return to his stream and reciprocate and if you don’t you get dropped.

Yeah his work is brilliant but he obviously doesn’t believe it can stand on it’s own merits so he continues to lick ass often saying the biggest pile of garbage is amazing!

Hmm viewing his page, with 2.4k followers and only following 274, The Whisperer need to get a Flickr page 😂 and most definitely be friends with Brandon,since he is so dedicated to giving the pink little stars,dropping comments after the pinks stars ( *side eyes*).

Officially he seem to be the best socialite or Flickr Licker 🙄

Images : Flickr

88 thoughts on “Brandon Taselian – Biggest  Flickr Licker Eva!

  1. Phantasmagorical to see no matter where we go what we do Brandon’s ego is constantly being sucked off …apparently ella is shitty at, it needs 2K+ woman to get his rock off !


    1. Anonymous is everyone that’s not logged in. Just the name this site gives you. Clearly it’s your panties in a twist. Who are you again?

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        1. I’m Brandon and I’ve not got time to waste on this shit.
          I’ve recently done a pic and only added it to 300 groups, I need to add to another 300 plus all my commenting still needs done.


    2. Okay so… This isn’t Brandon… just for starters… and I’m not entirely sure how you have had a blog so long and are completely ignorant to how the internet works… I am like 99% sure that whoever you are arguing with isn’t him… and pretty fucking sure it’s more than one person. The absurdity of your comment thread battle is actually what brought me here. I’m a nobody… like a straight fucking nobody and I have never seen anyone trolled so easily in my life. I thought we were trolling Brandon here. I fear for the day that you end up on Reddit. Thank you for the entertainment. Also… this is not Brandon. LOL.

      P.S. Still not Brandon

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        1. one of the Anons is Brandon. I know this because 1. they told me that i blocked them on Flickr. 2 . i have two people blocked on Flickr , one is brandon the other one is not in SL. ……… But the brandondicksuckingbrigade is as long as brandonsownasssucking commitee..and if we are not in either of those we are jealous . I blocked this dude over a year ago i think and he is still mad about that..idk…what about going to rl work..go for a run or see your loved ones ..go smell some roses or pet your cat..theres no way shitlike this should mean so much in someones lives . Letitgo!

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          1. Says the girl that’s been living on this comment stream for the past THREE days almost. If anyone needs to let shit go, or get a job…it’s you. You say you blocked him over a year ago, fine. Tell me though, why come here to stir shit up? A YEAR after the fact. ALSO…Here’s an interesting fun fact. I was the one you were talking to originally, the others you’ve been arguing with..yeah, I have no idea…BUT! You don’t actually have me blocked. I just said that cause it was funny and made me laugh. I knew it would get you all riled up. Funny how people become defensive over things they know they’re guilty of. I keep throwing shovels at you, and you keep digging that hole. You sound like a scorned lover, maybe it’s you that should pet that cat.

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            1. sweetheart..log in on a name I actually know so i know who tf im talking to…and i will be happy to live here with you for the rest of our lives..till then are not getting anything from me 🙂 ps. when being Anon and on a suckingbrandondick tip i shall assume you are brandon…so you can protest as much as you are Brandon till you prove me otherwise …toodles


      1. lol bless you. Thank for taking the time to involve your self..yes i am the obsurd one in this highly intelligent thread on this extremely serious blog/subject 😉 BUT i dont hide who i am.. i dont name call or go nuts because ppl dont agree with me. Its called being an adult BUTT my biggest fault in this is replying to scaredy cats like youself who are hiding who they are while trying to act like SL thugs. And on that note im out.


        1. I really hope this isn’t your demonstration of adult behavior. The world is in a lot of trouble if that’s the case. God save us all!

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          1. mhm while you hiding behind that bs.. yes im still the adult here. And you think that I have that much influence on the world?!?! love me really..i knew it.


  2. The jealousy is strong in here. Stronger with each and every comment. Kid looks like a genius from what I see, why not just enjoy what he does. I know I do.


  3. why is it that if we do not like something or a certain behaviour it must be down to jealousy.? He got nice pics and he probably is a nice dude . But this excessive comenting is annoying af and i told him so before i blocked him. Its nothing to do with jealousy..i have blocked people who does shit pictures too…and commenting just as much as he im suppose to be jealous of them too? There is no need to make a huge drama blog about this..its normal on flickr to suck up or comment everything to get noticed. Its still annoying af and thats why we have the block button. Yay

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Soooooo you’re proud of being a snotty unappreciative bitch? You don’t even say thank you to the very few who comment to appreciate your work for the most part. YOU BLOCK THEM! Unless of course it’s one of the creators you blog for. THEN! you bring out your voluptuous lips and lick the living shit out of them. Hate to break it to you hot lips…but being semi popular on flickr doesn’t make you some kind of famous rock star, or better than anyone else. You are just like everyone else, with a good computer and fancy software. HAHAHAHA you’re so fucking sad it’s hilarious. I hope your follows get a load of this. You are such a fucking trip. *dies laughing*


    1. OKay, im curious…if you don’t comment…and seeing as that’s the only way you would see who is commenting on what pictures, and who is commenting more than others. How would you know to block these people? Or even better…How would it even bother you? As you wouldn’t even see these excessive comments you speak of. Kinda funny how you would be annoyed by something that doesn’t even effect you in the slightest. I smell shit all of a sudden.


        1. Nice rebuttal, dumbass. Not interested in fame, That’s your territory. I am merely a bystander voicing a very valid point. The truth can hurt. If you wanna put your garbage bullshit out into the world, people are gonna call you out on it. All your return comments did was reiterate what I was saying. So thank you for validating my points for me. 😉

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        2. I’ll be nice though and give you a hint…you have me blocked on flickr. Oh wait, that’s not much of a hint i guess. Your blocked list is probably pretty substantial. Shit, I’m sorry.

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          1. I’d just like to say Thank You to VP for saying out loud what I’m too scared to say and I know there are others who feel the same way as I’ve spoken to them.
            So many people on Flickr just put up their pics and shut up for fear of repercussions.
            It’s a bad situation when you get accused of being jealous just because you don’t like how someone acts.
            I personally have seen Sir Brandon call Samanda Eddingham some pretty bad names when he’s commented on her stream. I didn’t see these comments when I was stalking him or her I saw them when I was leaving her awards.
            He’s called her a “daft fuck” amongst other things – which might just be in jest and no doubt she’ll come on here and defend him and say she likes these terms of endearment from a friend BUT to me personally they are disrespectful and distasteful and not something I’d like even my partner to call me.
            I didn’t follow him as I don’t like his behaviour and his attitude – yeah his pics are decent but Flickr from SL’ers is never just about the art is it, but lets not go there shall we?!

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          2. lol oh ok then you must be Brandon block list is pretty short so that was easy to figure out. Btw thank you im flattered you follow me so intensely . Idk why you so mad. Your pictures are nice i choose to block you for the reasons i told you straight to your im box when you immed me Bye Brandon.


          3. idk why you butthurt you got blocked..according to you ( and i know how far up my ass you want to be Brandon im constipated just for this reason ) im a be happy i blocked you Brandon and movetf on.


    2. Omg. I have seen your blog. Its amazing. I so missed seeing the softer side of Sears! Thank you for reminding me of the good old days.

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  4. this entire posting iz stupido! in order to be a lickr you gots to follow lots, dis dood don’t follow hardly no one so how exactlee iz he lickin?? U needs to look at dem people who be followin lots, dey the lickers.


  5. New follower of Brandon’s and he is definitely one of the top photographers in the history of Flickr. You are all so full of shite. Do us a favour and shut the hell up.


    1. LMAO. What a ridiculous statement.
      The virtual world is represented by a small circle of people in comparison to the rest of Flickr and many ‘real’ photographers are not interested in pictures of dolls.
      To be a “top photographer” one would have to use an actual camera!!
      “one of the top photographers in the history of Flickr” – what a load of bullshit.

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    2. You are Brandon so yes you would say so BUT..your pictures are nice Brandon one can fault you on that. But people still have the right to have their opinions and block yourass .


  6. how very sad that the whisperers feel that this is worthy of time and space. I would like to iterate that sites like these are a breading ground for bullies, and worst of all faceless and anonymous ones. How can anyone advocate that? For a place like SL is one in which we should be able to let our RL inhibitions go and creativity flourish, things like this are just ridiculous and lets face it… pretty dang silly. Brandon takes incredible pictures, even admitted so in this article, he takes the time to comment which is more than the majority of people (myself included) can muster. We should be applauding and inspired by artists like him who lay their thoughts and moments out in pictures and those who are brave enough to share snapshots of their souls with the general public.
    I am furious with myself for revisiting this site today in disbelief that people really can be this petty and jealous. For giving it the hits it so un-deserves.
    Please people, if you have dirty laundry air it in private, and directly to that person involved. No one needs this negativity or inhibition put upon them. And I guarantee you will at least have some clarity and perchance a resolution rather than some anonymous one-up-man-ship badge. It is a sorry state of affairs when people find that who unfollows who on flickr worth shouting about. Pick up a RL newspaper.. take a read… and then.. then decide if this is really worthy of any breath.
    A wise person once said to me ‘The only REAL things in SL are feelings, so lets respect them for all they are worth.’ And lets not be cowardly about it while we are at it eh?
    Surely we are better humans than this.
    Sincerely hoping so,
    Mol x


  7. All this is total slander and I don’t know why anyone would bother subscribing to such trash. Brandon is one of the most talented and incredibly humble people you could ever hope to meet. His talent was always bound to gather haters but that’s just part of the mindset of jealous, selfish idiots. You can sling all the shit you like about someone in this trash site. I never even bother reading a damn thing here because it’s all fabricated information and biased lies but I will always stand up for anyone who does not deserve to be discredited by someone who has nothing to do with their lives apart from trying to tear down others with more talent in their small toe than the ‘author’ who wrote this has in their entire body. I know there will be a retort of not being jealous of his work, of not having the time to tinker with such things as setting up a shot, editing and networking bla bla bla, and yet they seem to have plenty of time to not only try to discredit the subject in text but also to use their images without permission on this site, something that is very clearly stated in the copyright section on Flickr. He is talented, you can’t deny that! He most certainly is one of THE nicest people you could ever hope to meet and unfortunately, as anyone else who has been targeted by this site, that also breeds contempt amongst those who wish they had a fraction of his talent. This may be a social media platform but if you cared enough to check, you may find that you can indeed be sued for slandering the names of anyone you have mentioned on this site as well as using their images without expressed, written permission.

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    1. Stella, if you care to check the Flickr guidelines you’ll find that you cannot use Flickr to advertise or sell products yet Brandon, Ella and many more do!
      If you want people to abide by the rules then fair enough but you can’t pick and choose which ones to suit you or your friends.


      1. Except your not Oakley. Seriously… you need to look up mental illness. You can keep pretending to be all these other flickrites but nobody that dumb…


  8. Just an observer here don’t follow much but this whole thing is contradictory as he follows so few so licks so few I would think that some of the people commenting who follow so many more are the true lickers this site makes a hero out of Skippy B and he licks thousands you all need help and lives


  9. keep reading the comments in here, YANA and ME meaning real J, we are not even english speakers, so your english is way too good my dear, just when you start to stalk and do this shity things, get more info for next time^^


  10. I m wondering if Just J is meant to be ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just announced about this idiot posts and i am wondering who uses names to denigrate people! obvious is about jealousy and obvious someone hates Brandon a lot to be able to do this. Oh and who uses my names and Yana’s, guys we are not even english speaker, so your english is way too god for being us! have a great day whoever you are and get a fucking life for god sake!


  11. Gossip girl wannabe. LOL I too also happen to notice things, difference is…I don’t run around trying to cause problems and create drama and emotional turmoil for people. I also find it funny that you have such a clear idea of what and who Brandon follows, and why he does. YOU MADE AN ENTIRE ARTICLE to showcase this. Clearly you spent a great deal of time and energy investigating this matter….your hobby? I also notice that you are “friendly” with some people and “judge and executioner” with others. Your opinions are clearly biased and emotion based. Your list of “friends of friends bloggers”. One could say that same thing about your puff pieces. Your friends perhaps? I feel like I lost some brain cells reading your garbage “journalism”. Your life must be pretty pathetic, i’m sorry.

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    1. You are joking!
      This article created “emotional turmoil” this is about SL and Flickr not the real world.
      Brandon has done some Flickr licking big deal, get over yourself.


      1. Lol @ Yana… your a twat. The people on the other side of those screens live in the real world. It’s called empathy. Learn it.


    2. In the real world that I live in I go to work every day, I don’t sit about making pictures and licking ass on Flickr.
      You don’t need to be a brain surgeon or a stalker to notice that Brandon posts nearly every day and that getting it to the finished edit obviously takes up a lot of his time, that along with his licking and now his blogging kinda tell me a lot about him and his situation.
      “Poor Brandon” Is that what you want?
      Do you think he gives a fuck about what anyone else is going through?
      Does he fuck and anyone that tells you different is deluded.


      1. Wow yana, this is all so revealing. I had no idea you were such a hateful conniving bitch.
        Curious to the monstrosities he has done to you to cause all this anger. just fucking sad


      2. Okay well first… you are very clearly not a brain surgeon cause he averages about 3 pics a weeks. You can fucking count right? So you’re upset that he can spend more time on flickr than you? You understand that anyone that is not a brain surgeon can go to his page and see that you are a complete idiot right?


  12. First of all… look up definition of flickr lickr… then… very simple… I know you can follow this… go to Brandon’s favorites and oh… what’s this… it’s completely untrue… So…I think what you’re trying to call out is the hypocrisy of him having so many followers and following such a low number in return. Personally I don’t know how he can keep up with what he does follow… what is more entertaining is the hypocrisy of the person running this little yellow journalism shit blog is also maintaining a mental health awareness group on sl? That seems a little fucking odd. Actually makes a far more interesting story. Maybe you should write about that?


    1. What’s really interesting is the story behind why B stopped following –
      V. Pearl
      MM Mysterr
      Ayla Barzane

      But in the last few days he’s added Thalia Heckroth and started to lick her ass, go look at her stream and check. Until her last pic he never made any comment or heart! LMAO
      If he loved her work so much it’s taken him long enough to find her considering he’s been in Flickr all this time OR now his stuff’s being added to the Magazine is that the lure?


      1. Wow… stalker much lately? You seem incredibly focused on what Mr. Taselian does with his stream to the point that you know who he follows and don’t follow anymore? I mean that took quite a bit of work on your end? So which of one of those names up there is yours? Did your panties get wet for him and then like dry up and start chaffin your cooch when you realized he wasn’t into ya? Give me a break. You understand you are mentally ill to go through that sort of trouble right? And what… now you’re gonna cry that he isn’t fliclkr lickin people. Make up your mind… get a real hobby. You just a fuckin troll. This message has been brought to you by the letters F and U.


      2. wow talk about stalker , I mean seriously you know who Brandon follows and doesn’t , you got some real hate issues or maybe you just jealous cause he has more talent than you ,get over it and get a life

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      3. I dunno what to say! I just saw my name was mentioned up there LOL! it is really a long long way to read till the end. I have no comment nor opinion to this. Take care all … and just take it easy please.


    2. Not a stalker just someone who happens to notice things.
      Not mentally ill.
      Not anyone on the list.
      Not hot for Mr T, I have a man in RL so have no need or desire for one in SL.
      I have a hobby, it’s playing SL and taking pics and it is a hobby not my life unlike some people on there.

      You’re very wound up aren’t you?

      I’m sure that if the mighty Mr T has a comment he’s more than capable of doing so himself and doesn’t need you defending him or whatever it is you’re doing.

      Thanks for the character analysis and computer chair psychiatry.


      1. Lol. Bitch please. You noticed an awful damn lot for someone that is not a stalker. And as far as people defending him? You see that’s what happens when you are a good person… you have good friends and they fight for ya. You probably don’t know much about that though… There’s some more computer chair psychology for ya… not psychiatry as that is something a bit different… but something you should look into. They may have a med that will work for ya. Stawkkkkerrrr! lololol.

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  13. The biggest true i’ve seen in here… Clearly he’s only made this far because he got how exactly flickr works: Get your faves licking people’s arses. His words sounds fake as shit i can’t even read them, makes me sick.


  14. What a bullshit! I hope a lot people read this and laugh like i do.
    Btw. you can write now “only women commented!” (just a lil’ hint).


  15. hear hear ruby very true Brandon is one of the coolest , humble most talented people I know, I hate when people write this shit , attacking peole that are enjoying and creatating wonderful things


  16. This is not true. However knows Brandon knows he is a humble and amazing person. Whoever is the horse whisperer is simply envious of the amazing work he does. Gwad, people, it is clear none of you have anything better to do. Was directed here by a friend and I am sure I won’t be returning. However, enjoy your gossip days, cause this is all it is. Drama queens in a jealousy fit.

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    1. Yeah Ruby totally jealous of a guy who must spend his entire day setting up for a pic, taking a pic, editing a pic and then networking aka Flickr licking.
      I wish I had the time but unfortunately some of us live in the ‘real’ world and actually have to go out and do a full-time job all day every day.


      1. hmmmmm interesting wording you used there “just J” As if to say you wrote this article. and it’s your opinions being attacked. You and your Yana friend.


        1. Bran thinks so much of you he’s dumped both you and Yana’s ass off his follow list so go make some noise about that. LOL


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