Dani Plassitz Celebration of Life

We got whispered and below is the whisper observations at the memorial of Dani Plassitz. In our opinion, this could likely be due to lag or some rezzing problem and also a lesson learnt to all modeling industries for another day.

Today I attended the Celebration of Life for Dani Plassitz. This was supposed to be a celebration of her life and time in Second Life and the many people she touched in her time. However, from what I witnessed, it was extremely disrespectful to her memory.
The styles and designs I saw on the runway displayed the talent of Ms. Plassitz and her attention to detail. I wish that I could say that the models that were in the ‘show’ had her same attitude toward professionalism and attention to detail. What I saw was sloppy and unprofessional and did NOT do Ms. Plassitz any justice.
Here are a few sample images of the sloppiness that I saw on the runway:


Please understand that there were many other issues with models that I was NOT able to get pictures of. There were some models that did do justice to the clothing, but the show as a whole was in poor taste, in my opinion.

How Ms. Plassitz touched the lives of so many was a testament to her giving nature. However, when you have a model giving a speech that is questionable, that does not honor the memory of Ms. Plassitz.
Here is the quote from the show:
Dani said, ” (name deleted) look on the wall.” Where I replied, “ok Dani how come”., followed by looking on the wall when I saw that the 7th Anniversary dressed was named after me, I remember thinking how does she do it where the style of the gown reeks (name deleted).”

Reeks?! In a memorial? Poor taste in my opinion. This celebration could have been much more professional in it’s attitude and in it’s presentation.

72 thoughts on “Dani Plassitz Celebration of Life

  1. My comment is not about MGB, or Ava, or anyone in particular… my comment is about fashion shows in SL in general. As a new model, I go to shows hoping to learn something. I am often surprised and disappointed by what I see. Big name agencies putting on shows with glaring errors. Not little things, huge obvious styling problems…(alphas showing below the hemline, major prim breaks etc…) It’s called a style checks people, and the reason every show needs them. Anyone can miss something when checking themselves. Most models can benefit from a second pair of eyes to check for errors too. I know for me, almost every outfit has a ‘problem area’ when posing it. I tend to focus on that, and miss mistakes in other spots that my style checker will see and help me fix, before I get on the runway. Just my two cents worth… šŸ™‚

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  2. This is really hurtful and just wrong. Jamee worked hard putting this together. She did a great job, it ran so smoothly. Most of us were fighting tears through the show. The point was to honor Dani and we ALL did our best to do that. We got updates on how her husband was feeling and knowing he liked seeing it and that he was happy as well as his managers, made me cry. Why take the time to point out some petty things. Someone died, a person people loved, died. And you take the time to complain about prims and nonsense. Shame on you. Our hearts were in the right place. Where is your heart if you even have one? Maybe stop and think that if Dani could see this would she focus on nonsense or the fact that so many people cared about her.

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  3. I had retired from posting on here after the last pos rant and lies that are on here about myself, but after reading the comments I am going to say this to those of you who continuously wish to remain anonymous, while talking shit 24/7.

    To those of you who were in the show, you know why you did that show and that was in memory of Dani, so keep that with you. No amount of negativity or bs on here can change the fact that you chose to honor someone who is no longer with us. Also from the comments her husband said, he was touched by your efforts. That reaction is priceless.

    To the person who made this whisper. Why dont you put on your own memorial show to Dani? Put your money where your mouth is and show us what you can do. We will be waiting to see it first hand.

    To those of you who are trolling this post and bashing the models, the organizers, etc…same goes to you, put on your own memorial show to Dani and show us what you can do, instead of hiding anonymously behind a website and a computer screen.

    To Jamee and those who have come to the show’s defense, remember that these peeps are trolls, they wont stop, they are bored, they want attention, and don’t feed them by responding to every single thing. Ignore it and move on. Keep the knowledge that you did what you did in memory of someone who touched you.

    Liked by 6 people

  4. Whether we give our names or not does not change the meaning of what is expected of a producer or organizer of any show in Sl and I’m not just speaking of fashion shows. Someone needs to be in charge and accountable for every little detail. That’s why producers in Hollywood make so much damn money. Being the best producer also means hiring the best to help you get the job done in those areas that you’re not so good at. The best producers also take the heat when the entire production falls short or breaks down. If you have no one accountable its a disaster. You can’t organize a show and then leave everyone to their own devices and then expect to not assume fault when things go wrong. Learn from it and don’t let it happen again. And dont use the excuse that this was a charity show or it was done in 2 weeks. Even charity shows deserve to be properly produced and if there was the slightest chance 2 weeks was not enough time, then you should have waited. What was the rush anyway?


    1. The Rush was to have it coincide with the 4 other memorial events that same weekend that was put on for Dani by the music community. Her family wanted it all together! THAT is why. Once again, if you don’t know – keep your mouth shut. You don’t even know what this show was all about. It was about memories – NOT NEW UP TO DATE STUFF. Period. show us your name too so we can know who is bullying us.

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      1. Describing what a show producer and/or organizer is supposes to do is not bullying my dear. If you don’t believe or understand my definition please feel free to look it up. Kudos to you for doing your best to organize something but you still need to follow through. I’d say you do feel a little guilty because you can’t deny that a necklace sticking in a neck had the proper style check done. Again, learn from this for the next time. Oh and a producer also must possess tact. Tact to explain to the likes of Ava and Suki that we’d all be better served with them behind the scenes such as where the audience sits.


        1. No I don’t feel guilty one bit – bullies always try to put it back on their victims. Thank you for allowing me to make that point as well here. Again – your name please?

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        2. There were no mistakes – you obviously were not there – didn’t see it
          AFTER that obviously backstage photo was taken. You didn’t understand the point/purpose of the show or what it was all about. So please shut your mouth and stop bullying us over it.

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    2. Here’s the thing… and I’m going to speak real slow so all of you that are trolling around anonymously on the internet because you have nothing else better to do can hear it…

      The show didn’t fall short. Period.

      A bunch of anonymous people on a drama-mongering website might not have liked it, but you know what? If you were so much an authority to speak on what should or shouldn’t have been done in the show, you wouldn’t mind showing us your name, so that we could be like, “Oh wow, well if so-and-so who has xyz years of experience doing this has advice on how it could have gone better, then sure, let’s take that into account next time.” Instead, you choose to hide behind anonymity, which tells me you wouldn’t have the first clue what you were doing, should you attempt to do it yourself – which you’ve been invited to do several times, since you apparently hated it so much.

      However, in the grand scheme of things, here is what I know: Dani’s managers enjoyed the show. Dani’s customers that were in attendance enjoyed the show. Dani’s friends enjoyed the show. Dani’s RL husband was deeply moved by the show and enjoyed seeing his wife’s work displayed that beautifully, and all-inclusive. The models enjoyed the show – they enjoyed getting to pay their respects to a designer they all love and admire. The rest of the show staff enjoyed the show.

      So you want to blame Jamee or Models Giving Back or whomever for a show that ‘failed’… when really, I only see less than a handful of anonymous internet trolls who were displeased with the show. Everyone else? Thought it was very well done and had a pleasant experience.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Fushia lipstick with red earrings? Tattoo layer lashes? System layer eyes? Non-mesh head?

    2010 called. It wants its models back.


    1. You obviously missed the ENTIRE point of this show. YES! It was 2010 YES! it Was 2009! That was the POINT of the show! It was to wear what we wore when we wore those outfits through the time of Dani’s entire career! DUH! so yes, there was old makeup, yes, there was OLD HAIR! On Purpose! Some us wore the exact stylings when that outfit MEANT SOMETHING TO DANI AND US! When we won a contest for her with that styling for example. That was the point. To show the memories! MEMORIES! And you holier than thou come in here and trash those memories. You need to get off your high horses and understand what the point of a particular show is before you make dumb comments that are nothing more than an attempt to make yourself look good. Use your names too. So we know – or maybe I should go through the visitor logs – 80 people on the sim for an entire two hours. Guess my little parcel was just fine.


  6. Last time I looked, Bullying and Cyberbullying is not okay. Those who are using fake names here to bully and poke fun here at us need to understand, that what you are doing is bullying. Nothing more, nothing less. The rest of us in the SL modeling community will not stand for anyone being bullied for any reason, let along this type of behavior. The whisperer needs to see that this is nothing more than bullying with false information and if you continue to support this type of behavior and false claims to bully others then you are condoning the bullying. When are you all going to wake up and stop this bullying you talk out against in so many other contexts.

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    1. Don’t even give this barrel of basement-dwelling mouth breathers another second of your time, Jamee. They’re not worth it. The important thing is that Dani’s husband and loved ones were touched by what was done. We did what we set out to do and no amount of stupidity on a website is going to change that fact. That a bunch of self-appointed fashion police with lousy graphics chose to smear what came from the heart in an effort to hurt two specific people is a testament to the blackness of their hearts and their pathetically twisted little minds. To those of you who continue to bash people on this site, know this… you hide behind what you think is anonymity, but you are not nearly as anonymous as you’d like to think you are. Your parents should have taught you better. If you must hide it, then you must not want people to know you’re doing it, and if that’s the case, then you shouldn’t be doing it at all. Own what you say, put your name to it, or shut the hell up, because as it sits now, your opinion means NOTHING. It’s nasty, vindictive little people like YOU, NOT the occasional fashion mishap, that give modeling in SL a bad name. Grow up. We all left middle school years ago.

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  7. This is the last thing I will say. Everything you do as a model or a producer of a show, is always a reflection on you, and those who choose to be associated with you. Those who are defending the show, are like very poor marksmen…they miss the target. Here was the intent behind this post, and I have stated this before. It was a very poor presentation, and even in a memorial where people ARE grieving you expect certain standards. I do understand that you aren’t going to edit every person’s thoughts or their words, I agree, that would be wrong. That is something that is beyond a producer’s control. What IS in the PRODUCERS’ hands, is that the models are put together with a degree of professionalism, ie: no breaking prims, slinks matching, pose checks, etc…THAT is all within a producer’s control, which it clearly wasn’t in this case. So, time to suck it up buttercup and realize that some of us are just flat upset with a sloppily produced memorial service, for an amazing person.


    1. Nope – give us your name here – quit hiding behind a false name so we can celebrate you for who you are. You have no idea what this show was about, why it was done the way it was and obviously no idea about letting people express themselves in a way that they each felt they needed to. Next time you can do it – I’ll leave it to you. Coordinate all those models, all those former models, all those who aren’t models and wanted to honor Dani and walk and everything that went with all the walks etc. Use your name here and maybe then we may think about giving some credibility to what you are saying here at all.


  8. by the Way – the Word Reeks in that speech – was actually a quote by Dani telling Ava she named the gown for Ava because it Reeked of Ava. Ava was quoting Dani had you taken then entire thing in context. Here it is directly from the script:
    “When I went to the Models Giving Back Show, as always to supported Dani. I said hello love, and we exchanged big hugggs and luvvvs. Dani said, “Ava look on the wall.” Where I replied, “ok Dani how come”., followed by looking on the wall when I saw that the 7th Anniversary dressed was named after me, I remember thinking how does she do it where the style of the gown reeks Ava. “I said, Dani omg honey it’s so beautiful thank you so much I am truly honored.”


    1. It was not written that Dani said it ‘reeked’ of Ava. Here is the quote from this model…” I remember thinking how does she do it where the style of the gown reeks (model name)” THAT Miss Jamee is this particular models’ THOUGHT, not a direct quote from Miss Dani, nice try.


      1. I have the entire script my dear. You wish to argue with me? Really? I just posted the entire script piece as it was written by Ava directly with the word Reeks. I can clearly see what she is saying here – and that is just one paragraph. You took it completely out of context –


        1. How exactly are you going to argue what was stated FROM THE SCRIPT…and if you’ll notice my other post, it was AVA’S THOUGHT, not a direct quote from Miss Dani…How is that out of context, I suggest you didn’t even really read your own script. Plus, ‘reek’ is NOT a compliment. Here is the definition of reek: a strong or disagreeable fume or odor. You can see for yourself here: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/reek
          If a model truly wants to cut themselves down, that’s their prerogative. (and yes that is the correct spelling-http://www.dictionary.com/browse/prerogative)


          1. Yes it is here – she meant here in this context that the Gown had all the markings of Ava and that is why she named it Ava after Ava. I can’t help it if poor English or such didn’t allow you to see what she is truly trying to say here because you want to defend your obvious mistake. Ava said that Dani said that to her. You are not reading it correctly – maybe it is you that needs reading comprehension lessons.


    2. Oh, and I didn’t even mention the poor spelling…it should have been 7th Anniversary Dress, not DRESSED.


      1. Absolutely – I was not going to correct anything anyone wrote. It was their personal tribute to Dani in their own writing, own pen with different languages and all. To fix all of that would have been plain wrong to do. Spelling and grammar errors when you are dealing with people from all over the world will happen in this type of a context – get over it and let them grieve.


        1. It’s not like Ava is from a 3rd world country! She “SHOULD” know how to write a sentence. She claims to teach modeling. You would think she would know how to word things.


          1. I’m sorry if not everyone has good grammar and spelling. The point here was to have it in their own hand, their own words etc. That is part of the grieving process. Get over it people! Really! You know what she was trying to say – THAT is what is important – not how it was said. It means MORE TO THE FAMILY to have it written from the heart from the person. Leave it alone now! Glad you all are always perfect


            1. rolls eyes. Leave it alone? Why don’t you leave it alone?
              I didn’t stay for the whole thing. After about 90 minutes I saw everything I cared about seeing. Being there was not honoring Dani, nor did that show honor her. I saw models feet poking out of gowns, broken wrists and elbows, poorly applied make up, and many other things. Do a damn style check for God’s sake! I’ve been in Dani’s shows, and believe you me, she would have not approved that at all!
              Just because you disagree with something does not mean you are right.


              1. Just because you saw things you THINK are wrong and that were not checked – you are not right either. That is all YOUR opinion and you are not the authority either. Again, no real names – no credibility.


  9. There are a couple points that everyone seems to be missing…If you look at my original post, not ONCE did I say who these models were. I INTENTIONALLY left my name tags off so they would not show WHO I was showing. Others have spoken out about who was in the photos, not me. Even in the speech that the word ‘REEKS’ appeared in, I took out the name of the model who said it. Those of you who are so busy defending the show, should re-think WHY the post was written as a whole, and not just 1 or 2 particular parts. Also, I was not the ONLY one who apparently thought the memorial was in bad taste, as I’ve seen from some of the other comments. As for what FactChecker says, I don’t feel I owe anyone an apology, if any apologies need to be made it should be to Miss Dani’s memory.


    1. She wasn’t saying the gown stinks – she was saying that the Gown was perfectly Ava. Which is exactly why Dani named that Gown after her. Please get your information correct before you whisper things.


    2. So, yes you do owe us all an apology here for starting trash that didn’t need to be here. Your graphics card didn’t work right – other people did not see what you saw like that nor did our photographers. And you can’t even get the information right about the word “Reeks” here. You have to know what you are talking about – use your name too like the rest of us and don’t hide.

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      1. My graphics card works perfectly, maybe my standards are higher than yours, and you don’t notice things that are obvious to everyone else….


  10. First of all the mesh hair on Suki had not rezzed, that is not Suki’s fault, that is the person’s fault who obviously has a crappy pc and could not take images. The models who did this show did this in honor of Danielle. It was NOT a Models Giving Back Show, it just so happened to be organized by Jamee. There were rezzing issues as it was laggy, but that is SL. This is a huge low point on this site and with people from SL in general, if people can use a tribute show that was hugely valued by Dani’s husband (who said so at the time). This is nothing but trolling, jealousy, evil, and wickedness on the part of whomever that whispered this, more than likely competitors. As for the Whisperer, middle finger to you and a kick in the ass to you.


    1. I am the one who wrote this, and I assure you that I was completely rezzed, and before I said a word about it, I asked 3 other people if they saw it that way as well…They did too. Poor fitting of hair is not a lack or rezzing…Plus I have a brand new gaming computer, it was NOT a rezzing issue.


  11. That’s it! I’m done. You can’t even try to do anything nice for people around SL without getting trashed by those who don’t step up and hide behind alias in SL. Next time, one of you that are talking about me here behind my back – YOU go right ahead and do it – you take care of the entire memorial service and do it in two weeks to coincide with other things going on with other memorials. You get the next one the next time this happens and then you can deal with the complaining and pointing fingers here. This was a way for hurting people to grieve and you have to put it into a trash fest. Thank you. Hope you are happy and have “stroked your own egos” so to speak. This wasn’t about my ego, this was about giving people a way to grieve and you all have ruined that. Guess the beautiful ending that made everyone cry meant nothing to you. Of course not, you are heartless. You have to focus on the things that are insignificant in the big scope of things here with this. Thank you, you win. Hope you feel better. You can have the next one, do a much better job I guess and then deal with the trash talk here afterwards. It’s not worth the stress to me anymore. You have completely ruined it for all who were involved, and turned our grieving into anger and frustration. I shouldn’t let you get to me – and I normally don’t give a darn what is on this trashy blog, because most of the time all of you are ignorant and don’t have your facts straight, nor do you even bother to make sure it is the truth. But this time you all went to far – ruining a memorial service to a very deserving lady. Congratulations original poster with no name. You win. Congratulations Whisper for having no common sense at all. You win. Congratulations to those who spoke out of turn and brought me into this – you win. You are all better than me, there – are you happy now?

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  12. I think the Whisperer should print the SL names of each person that posts here and stop this nonsense to be honest. Then all this BS will stop if people will be called to the carpet for what they post here.


  13. How dare you rag on someone who is participating in a memorial for someone to pay them tribute.Using this as an opportunity to sling mud.. this isn’t called for. This was a memorial service. This was completely uncalled for and is not only hurtful to the people your ragging on but is hurtful to those who are grieving. SHAME SHAME SHAME.

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  14. While some of these models were MGB models, yes, what FactChecker is saying is very true. This show was open to any model who had worked with Dani before showing her designs on a runway and wanted to participate. Does this mean you get an exclusive show of elite models? No. But it DOES mean you give everyone who cared about Dani the ability to walk for her one last time, and I think that’s a beautiful idea.

    As for the entirety of this post, the two people that you featured in these photos were Ava Jhamin and Suki Rexen. The pictures of Suki were clearly an instance of your viewer not fully loading her hair, as you can see that all of the hair is poorly-shaped and not fully loaded into form yet. I would have liked to see another screenshot of what the hair looked like AFTER your viewer fully loaded her. If you’re going to report on it, at lest do it fully and correctly.

    Ava was only in the show once, twice if you include the finale. So you can’t expect me to believe that you just happened to be checking every single model and noticed only Ava and a handful of other people that you conveniently couldn’t get pictures of.

    Now I’m no more a fan of Ava than anyone else is, however, if you wanted to do a post attacking Ava, or even Ava and Suki, then do that. But keep Dani’s name and brand out of your mouth while you do it, because your post had absolutely nothing to do with wanting justice done to her brand, and everything to do with attacking two women who were involved.

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    1. Yes, I checked every single model..these were the most egregious errors that I saw and was able to get gyazos of…As for being heartless? I am sincerely NOT heartless. For those that feel the hurt, I feel for you. The ‘show’ was in poor taste for a memorial…That is all I am saying. Judging by Miss Dani’s designs, as I clearly stated above if you’d read the post in it’s ENTIRETY, did not do justice to her memory.


      1. Reading this quite astonishing stream of posts and shaking my head in disbelief. People did this out of a genuine desire to pay respects for a wonderful lady who was also a wonderful designer and was taken from us and from her rl family way too soon. Her rl husband was in the audience and deeply moved by what he saw. And yet, in true SL fashion, a fight starts…it is not the models, good bad or otherwise that demeaned that beautiful and moving tribute, it is the petty nit picking and pointing fingers that is happening afterwards. Also, if you seriously are saying you checked ‘every single model’, presumably in ever single outfit, that means you spent the two hours of the tribute checking out and trying to take gyazos of *91* outfits? I seriously have to ask what your motive was in that case. Please people, don’t cheapen Dani’s memory and her family’s precious experience of that event with this…rubbish.

        Liked by 4 people

  15. I’m just going to put this out there. There is such a thing as viewer glitches and what one person sees messed up, others will see normally. That you have chosen to take something that was intended to celebrate the work of someone who was very dear to some of us and turn it into something ugly is nothing short of despicable.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Folks this was not a Models Giving Back Show. It was a show where any model could walk and pay their respects that had in any way worked with Dani during his/her career. Jamee just stepped up to be the one to make it happen. She is not responsible for any posing errors, prim errors, description errors, walking errors or anything. Just so you know. Comparing this show to anything Models giving back normally does it not fair to them or Jamee. So yes, there were models in this show that have not walked on a runway in a long time. That wasn’t the point. The point was to have a way to grieve and pay respects. So stop it. Whisperer shame on you for not just picking on who you really wanted to :Ava : and leaving Dani and Jamee’s good names out of this.


    1. If you take the responsibility to put on a show for any reason, yes what happens in that show is your responsibility. Trying to say that she is not responsible for anything the other models did in the show is just making excuses for how the show was handled. Even if it is a show were anyone is allowed to participate you still have to uphold certain standards. If you are going to put on a show for any reason you are responsible to make sure that there is Nothing damaging to the designer that you are showcasing, Weather it be in pose checks, styling checks to make sure that prims are not cutting into the models body or outfit, and especially script checks and speech appropriateness. As someone who has dealt with MGB shows in the past these are the same mistakes I have seen in their shows before and honestly it is quite on par with what MGB has done in the past. Jamee’s name is rightly put with this because it was HER responsbility to make sure shit like this DIDN’T happen.

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      1. A Lurker – have you attended any Models Giving Back shows lately? You do know that your assessment of the agency isn’t true right? As one of their models I know for a fact that a full cleaning of house happened over a year ago in that agency and that strict pose checks, prim checks and all are done in their shows. So to claim that this behavior is the norm is absurd. I was at the show in question, and to be honest – those so called mistakes above in prim placement and a hair not rezzing were not there on the runway. It must have been their graphics or before Ava was checked by fellow models backstage and asked to fix it before she walked. I can see that photo is backstage, not on the runway. Suki’s hair did not look like that to me at all. As far as the script goes. It would have been rude for anyone to take what each model wrote and not post it as it was written for whatever reason. You don’t know if there was some inside joke there, some reason why it was like that, or even if it was a mistake. I’m guessing you are perfect then and never have made a mistake or missed a word on spell check or translation correctly. The point here is that this was not a normal show and to act all high and mightly that it should be one is crazy. I didn’t see you there doing this for Dani. Maybe you should have and we could be bashing you instead.


        1. Actually i have been to a few models giving back show within the last year and needless to say I was not pleased with their representations. I’m not Bashing anyone i’m pointing out that regardless she has some steak in blame for what was done and said. Now even a show that “isn’t a normal show” still should uphold some pretty high standards and should actually uphold Higher standards since it’s supposed to be a celebration of talent on behalf of the Designer they are showing. From what I have personally seen and what i am reading hear, yes this IS indicative of Models Giving Back. On the note of me doing a show for Dani, I would have to pass on that idea simply because I don’t have the time, Further more I Sleep during the hours that the show was going on, as I work grave shift and quite honestly don’t have time to be awake in the morning to watch a fashion show from a sub par agency.


          1. I am sure lurker they did not miss you at the show, if it makes you happy to bash a charity organization and a tribute so, then more power to you.


          2. (TLDR version: Congratulations. You ruined a memorial show that was put on from a place of love. I hope you’re proud of yourselves.)

            Really? You’ve been to a few Models Giving Back shows within the last year? Just when were you present, exactly… because you’ve already said that it wasn’t during this MEMORIAL show in honor of a now-deceased designer… so it must have been at one of the several CHARITY shows that are done throughout the year.

            Because, you know, doing shows for charity is totally just a giant circle-jerk for Jamee’s ego, right? (Please tell me you can read sarcasm and that I don’t have to explain it to you.)

            Let me walk you through what ACTUALLY happened for this show… and what actually happens for every Models Giving Back show, since I happen to have been in this agency for years, and worked with Jamee in the capacity as one of her models, one of her show coordinators, one of her DJ’s, one of her script coordinators… I’ve dealt with her in almost any capacity that a person can within MGB, and she’s always the same, so let me lay a little bit of truth here where it’s been lacking in most of this thread.

            I was the one that told Jamee what had happened to Dani. And the reason I was told is because someone who was close to Dani in RL IMed me about it, because Dani was participating in an event that was going on at the time… and so she wanted me to know, in case I had been trying to get ahold of her at all. I told Jamee, because Models Giving Back was the agency that Dani chose EVERY year for her anniversary shows, and Jamee had grown close with Dani. I wanted Jamee to hear it before it started spreading around Facebook like the plague.

            Jamee, being the passionate person that she is, immediately jumped into, “We need to do something,” mode. I agreed. Jamee wanted to do a fashion show, which made sense. However, it couldn’t just be an MGB fashion show. Because, as Jamee informed me in that moment, the last dress that Dani had ever created, was worn beautifully by Roberta Aulder for the finale of Miss Virtual World 2017. Roberta was not an MGB model. From there, Jamee began to think about all of the other models that had worked closely with Dani in the past – models that Dani valued highly – and they were not a part of MGB either.

            So we opened the casting up. We looked at who among MGB models would want to walk, as well as who outside of MGB had worked with Dani before and would want to participate in this memorial. Models were asked which designs they currently owned, or which ones they were willing to purchase in order to showcase, because at this time we did not know if Dani’s husband would have access to Dani’s avi, and also that all sales would be going to him and to help keep the store open, so no one would be receiving any items for ‘free’ to do the show. This was made very clear.

            Now, a typical MGB show will have between 20 and 25 walks and have on average between 6 and 8 models participating. A show coordinator, Hostess, DJ, and photographer are also named and designated. That is the team size we normally work with. However, are you aware of how many walks were in that show? 69. There were 69 individual walks in that show, performed by 22 models. On top of those 22 models, we had a Hostess, a DJ, several photographers, and Jamee as the Show Coordinator and Script Coordinator.

            Models wrote their own descriptions – and they were asked to write about their experiences with Dani, why they chose to showcase the outfit they did, and what it and Dani meant to them. With descriptions that come in that are THAT personal, it is impossible for someone to modify or take anything out. Maybe correct a typo here and there… but to change someone else’s words and someone else’s personal experience with Dani? That wouldn’t be right.

            This memorial show was always about Dani. It was about her designs, the models who wanted to honor her, and her friends/fans/customers/family that wanted to come and remember her life over the course of the 7 years that she designed on the grid. This was never about the egos of the models involved. Some of the models wore Dani’s very first creations, and let’s just say they weren’t mesh body compatible. These models participated in this show because they loved (and still love) Dani and her work, and wanted to do her brand all the justice that they could.

            Not everyone who participated in this show are the best of friends. Some of us didn’t like each other. Some of us wouldn’t normally work with each other outside of this event. Hell, I personally had one of the models muted that was walking. *Laughs* But every single person who brought this show together did it for one purpose: to honor Dani Plassitz. Nothing else mattered. Nothing else about that event or the people involved was more important than that one idea.

            So shame on you – whomever whispered this – for trying to take the focus away from Dani. Shame on you for using a MEMORIAL show to try and further some platform of personal vendetta that you have against Suki and Ava and Models Giving Back. Shame on you, “A Lurker” – who won’t actually post their real name, but instead chooses to hide – for trying to tear apart a group of people who came together to try and do something nice for the community as a whole, and for those who are grieving the loss of Dani.

            And shame on the Whisperer, for not having the common decency to FILTER their stories, or at least fact-check themselves.

            You ruined what was once a very beautiful memorial that was planned and put on from a place of love. I hope you’re proud of yourselves.

            Liked by 3 people

            1. Oh look it’s the Hethwen clone! Hows that blaming other people shit working out for you when you don’t get into the pageants you want? Does your Master even know your on here responding to people, are you gonna tell us all to go and talk to him now so you can play victim card?


              1. First of all… just… o.O

                Don’t get into the pageants I want? The last pageant I was in, I pulled from because I’ve had to step into my RL family more to help care for my step-father. (Oh wow, are you the same douche from the MVW finale livestream chat? This would make so much more sense.)

                I think I’m actually more insulted about being compared to Hethwen than I am about anything else you said. ā¤


              2. Tiviyah, you are just another no talentless wannabe model who gets fired from just about everything, along with your cunt licking pal Noveleigh. You two are some of the biggest drama queens around. Every other day someone in either of your redneck white trash families is either sick, ill, dying, has committed suicide, etc..yet throughout each crisis, both of you remain on FB and in SL, just waiting for sympathy and more. So I am not going to compare you to Hethwen, I think you are more of the mold of Paradox Messmer.

                You try to play hard core tough wannabe person, but we all know that you are just an insecure nobody who has to run to Gore because no one wants to be with you in either world, so you have to be chained to someone so they keep you.


        1. I’ve put on many shows in the past. I’ve even taken part in a few tribute shows for individuals and designers. In those shows the things that I’ve heard happening in this show didn’t happen. Models were checked before the show, even if they hadn’t walked in a long time. The scripts were written by each model, but they were still checked for spelling and grammar mistakes. The first step to honoring someone’s memory is to understand that what you put forth at that very moment is going to leave a lasting impression of not just how much you care for that person, but for their creation. If you want to wear the look you wore back then, update it. Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct, and if you use a quote from someone, dammit make sure you say it’s a Quote and not a thought!


  17. Ok apart from the bad showing by Ava Jhamin up there and some other model, what about the models who worked hard at the show and did their best? Of course those things are never reported. It is a shame that something that was done to honor someone, is trashed on here. What happened to common decency? it sounds like someone is mad they were not in the show or not invited. Let’s not forget that this was in honor of someone who died. These types of comments are exactly why people hate doing anything good in Second Life anymore.


    1. Apparently, you didn’t read THIS and I quote, “There were some models that did do justice to the clothing, but the show as a whole was in poor taste, in my opinion.”


  18. I don’t think that lag had anything to do with a necklace stickinf into a neck. Besides we can see the rest of the necklace just fine. Lag doesn’t affect poor posing either.

    One other thing, you don’t have to win a title to be good at what you do as a SL model. I’m not speaking of Jamee here at all. I’m just saying that there are lots of excellent sl models who’ve never won a title so that example wasn’t the best one you could use when referring to Jamee.


    1. You are correct slfashionfauxpas, lag had absolutely NOTHING to do with poor fitting of a necklace, or shoes or legs coming through a dress. I do know how to reduce potential lag that I may get at a show so that the models are fully rezzed. If you see from the pictures, that the backgrounds are fully rezzed, and in the background you can see parts of other models that again, are FULLY REZZED!

      I also agree with you slfashionfauxpas, just because you win a title does NOT make you a good model. Due to the fact that so many of these so called ‘pageants’ are rigged in some way shape or form so a certain individual will win, does not mean that the title winner is the best of the best. I have seen so many title winners that couldn’t style their way out of a wet paper bag, compared to those that don’t have some ‘prestigious’ title to their credit.


  19. The show as very laggy, as it was on a small parcel. First I want to say that the show was free, no one was paid anything to do it, but the standards were not as high…I mean come on they let Ava Jhamin, the biggest fashion victim around in the show. But what could you expect from Models Giving Back?? MGB is the pet project of Jamee Sandalwood who needs something to inflate her ego, so that she can remind everyone how great she is, yet she has not won any major title and is still at that epic failure-BOSL. MGB is known for subpar, boring, and repetitive shows. Since they do them for free and charity, Jamee thinks that doing below standard shows is ok. RIP Dani….


    1. First of all this was NOT a Models Giving Back show. Do NOT even bring Models Giving Back into this. This was a show letting any model who wanted to walk, walk and pay their respects – many of the models in the show are not even in Models Giving Back. I think you owe Jamee and Models Giving Back an apology for speaking without knowing what you are taking about here.


      1. Don’t be so fast to demand an apology for MGB. They’re also known for their models lack of styling and inability to pose correctly. Just because everyone does a show out of the goodness of their heart doesn’t mean they should be sloppy. This includes both MGB and absolutely ANYTHING that Ava does.


        1. Let me see who you are and check the visitor records at our shows. Only then will you have any credibility to bash MGB about posing. You obviously know nothing about us – the pose classes we all did, the updating of models and the style/pose checks we meticulously do for every one of OUR shows. We are pose checked by the top models for posing on the grid – so are you bashing the posing experts then? This particular show was not an MGB show – so leave them out of this thread.


    2. Poor Canon,

      It seems like you and the rest of these pathetic trolls have nothing better to do than talk a bunch of crap about subjects you just do not know. While you sit and call BOSL and MGB “epic failure” it would seem to me that the failure would be you sitting here actually writing about a tribute that was done for a woman that did nothing but give in her lifetime. You have many that gave back to her in a way that showed a lot of respect and the only thing that you can point out is slinging trash at other businesses and people. You know I once hear it said that its really not the person or person’s that you hate, its more of a hatred you have for yourself. I pity you for actually having so much hate inside you that you would take to social media to attack people that try to do good. Whether you know them personally or not, they can be your cup of tea or not, leave the bashing out of this and see it for what it is. Your hatred that you have on the inside of yourself has now seeped outside and run over. That’s too bad. Sometimes it hurts to look at ourselves and what we stand for. Ask yourself, out of all of this what did you receive? Attacking two companies, attacking models, putting your name out there for a moment of glory? What? What did you achieve by all of this? Guess what when you are six feet under do you want people to remember you for this slander or for something you actually did “good” on? Only you have to live with your conscience.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. And what have you achieved?? First of all the main issue here is the fact that this was a subpar show. Yes the idea of a tribute show is great and a good way to remember someone–but only if done correctly and in a good way. While there were not MGB models in this show, it was organized by Jamee so the blame of the poor model styling belongs with her, the buck stops with her. She can try to spin this all she wants to but she was the one who put this show together.

        It is her job to make sure the models were on top form and looked great. Do not try to blame it on system clothing or bad mesh, the point is that she should have looked over each model and stressed the importance that the models should have looked their best. If you do not want to be on this type of website or others, then stop putting subpar shows on in SL and then whining because people point out the faults.

        In real life if a tribute show is subpar you better believe people will discuss it and make comments about it. In fact the tribute to Prince last year was ripped apart due to disorganization and chaos. So if it happens in real life, it is going to happen in SL.


  20. It was a sad tribute. I saw feet breaking through dresses, jewelry poorly placed, no eyelash alphas, horrible posing, some of the worst hair I’ve seen since 2009, and the list could go on and on. And when Ava used the word “Reeks” in her little speech, I about fell outta my chair! Not only are her pics in really bad taste, but her wording is too! I was hoping for a really classy tribute to Dani. But it wasn’t. RIP Dani


    1. You obviously missed the entire point of the show then. This was for those who has worn/walked those outfits before to have MEMORIES of them. So yes – you would see old hair and such. That was the entire point of the show – to bring back fond memories of Dani and her designs. I even worn an old hair ON PURPOSE when I showed the outfit I won one of her contests with. That was a fantastic memory that was brought back. That was the point. So if you really don’t know what you are talking about keep it to yourself please and not trash those of us who did get the point of the show.


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